An evening of connecting with God and the healing power of his love.
When we speak of a "soaking rain", we envision the soil being softened as it is saturated with water from a gentle rain. In soaking prayer we are seeking to be saturated with the presence of God to soften our hearts to receive his love and to respond with love for Jesus and others.
We play meditative music as we invite God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - to minister to each person present. There will be times when a Prayer Minister stands behind you and silently prays for concerns you have written on a card, if you so desire. The Spirit of Jesus does deep inner work as we rest in his presence and receive healing prayer.
Many times in prayer we talk a lot and fail to listen. This is a time of quieting yourself to experience God's presence. Some choose to sit in contemplation of God, others just listen to the music, read the Bible, pray, or even journal. Remember: grace is what God does for us, so this evening is an invitation to come rest in God's loving presence letting his grace wash over you.
At 8 pm, we close the evening with prayer and a blessing. Come join us and experience the transformative presence of God.