Loving God and People
for the REnewal of all things.

ash wednesday

5:30 and 7:00pm
childcare available at 5:30 service

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return

Who we are at Christ the redeemer

Western North Carolina Relief

If you are interested in helping out with relief eftors for Western North Carolina, JAnet Masters is who you can contact. She is in communication with churches and other organizations up there and will be able to help you find a way to help. Her contact information: ijmasters22@gmail.com or text at 864 640 6427

events & Calendar

Check out what is going on in the life of Christ the Redeemer.

at home catechesis

The at-home catechism will be a three-year journey for us at Christ the Redeemer. We will cover what it means to believe in Jesus and God’s revealed truth, what it means to belong to Jesus and how we commune with God in prayer, and what it means to become like Jesus doing God’s will in the Spirit's power. The questions and answers found in the catechism are simple without being simplistic, offering both accessibility and theological depth.


The Church Center app will allow you to give online, register for events, view events calendar, etc. 

You can find us here

839 Greenville Street Pendleton, SC 29670

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