Documents for Spiritual Growth

Guided Liturgy
As Anglicans, we have a unique liturgy (how we worship together). Much of what we do on Sunday morning stretches as far back as the early church. If you would like to know why we do what we do in our service, check out the guided liturgy. It explains why we sing, what a collect is, and the history behind what we call "the comfortable words," and more.
Preparing Your children for Communion
We are all members of a family. When we are baptized we become a part of an even bigger family, God’s family, the Church. And as a family we gather every week around the table, the Lord's table, to celebrate "the memorial of our redemption." If you have questions about when a child is able to receive communion, check out the "Preparing your child for Holy Communion" document.
Giving To Make a Difference
"All things come from you, and of your [God's] own have we given you," we say this every week at Christ the Redeemer because we know that everything we have is a gift from God. We don't expect visitors of Christ the Redeemer to give financially, but if you are interested in learning about our theology of giving and the blessing of giving, check out the "Giving to make a Difference" document.

At Home Catechism
The at-home catechism will be a three-year journey for us at Christ the Redeemer. We will cover what it means to believe in Jesus and God’s revealed truth, what it means to belong to Jesus and how we commune with God in prayer, and what it means to become like Jesus doing God’s will in the Spirit's power. The questions and answers found in the catechism are simple without being simplistic, offering both accessibility and theological depth.
We have paired artwork with each week of the catechism along the way. Dr. Amanda Hackney has created videos describing each artwork, link below.
We have paired artwork with each week of the catechism along the way. Dr. Amanda Hackney has created videos describing each artwork, link below.
Worship & Soaking Playlists
Music shapes our lives in many ways and can be a good tool to help connect with the Father. Here are a few playlists of songs we sing in our services, during the Worship & Ministry nights, and a soaking playlist which is played during some prayer times.
Soaking is the act of entering into the presence of God to experience His love -- and then allowing the love of God through the Holy Spirit to revolutionize your love for Him. Many use music during soaking.
Soaking is the act of entering into the presence of God to experience His love -- and then allowing the love of God through the Holy Spirit to revolutionize your love for Him. Many use music during soaking.